Grabbd, social & travel app
to connect people worldwide

Grabbd, social & travel app
to connect people worldwide

Grabbd, social & travel app
to connect people worldwide

Mobile Application

Mobile Application





Location based Services

Location based Services





About Project

Project Goal

A prototype Grabbd as a tool for sharing places with friends. (Shazam idea) and a prototype Grabbd as a community for connecting people with similar interests and saving recommendations.

Vibe of the city

Project Steps

  • Look at Shazam

  • Discuss what makes that concept work (investor feedback and our own analysis)

  • What are make or break features

  • What are the exploration opportunities for Grabbd

  • Name the concept 

  • What is a perfect user flow (5 star experience) and User problem

  • Sketching on our own

  • Share out of ideas.

  • Voting

  • Wireframes

  • Design screens (medium fidelity)

  • Prototype

  • Establish questions we want to ask

Design Process

HMW Questions:

  • How might we improve the ease of use of Grabbd so users learn quickly how to use Grabbd?

  • HMW encourage users share their lists also on other social media platforms like IG & Tiktok?

  • How might we surprise the users every time they open the app so they come back daily.

  • How might we communicate that Grabbd is more useful the more you use it so more users become power users.

  • How might we let users express their thoughts and style in lists so that lists feel more personal.

  • How might we create interest based communities and connections on Grabbd so that users can find and share places with other people.

User Flow

Martha signs up, finds a popular restaurant in her city and she grabs it. She discovers a list created automatically based on this one grab where she finds 2 other restaurants she likes. She saves them and decides to create a small list of her favourite restaurants with those 2 and a few other recommendations that pop automatically. She writes down notes about the places and then she shares on Instagram with her friends.

Interview Questions


How interested are you in discovering new places in your city or in the cities you travel?

How do you discover new places in your town and when you travel to another city?

Do you follow bloggers/influencers to discover new places?

Through friends?

How often do you share/exchange about your place discoveries with friends? How?

Do you use any apps/platforms to discover new places?

If not: Which ones are you aware of?

How is your experience with those platforms/apps? 

Since when are you using them? 

How often do you use them?

What made you stop/continue using those platforms?

Are you interested in finding other apps for discovering places?

Do you have a way of keeping a list of places that you would like to visit?

Do you also keep the places you liked? 

How often do you save places to try? How often do you really save? Why?


What do you think you can do with this platform?

What do you think about having experts from your city? How interested are you in following them to explore new places?

Can you please have a look at this page and think out loud while doing that? 

What can you do here?

What do you think “Grabb” means?

What are your thoughts about each section?

What are your thoughts about categories?

How would you change the city you’re exploring?


Overall how interested would you be to use Grabbd for venue-discoveries? Why?

When can you imagine yourself using the app? 

3 top likes and 3 top dislikes? 

Would this app replace similar apps you use on a daily basis?

Key Learnings

The new concept has a potential to increase the usability and clarity of the app, however didn’t create a high excitement and desirability among users. 

People are interested in this app and would want to use it for their discoveries especially right before looking up for a new place to go or when they are having difficulties choosing places. 

Users are not interested in opening the app randomly, or right after visiting a restaurant they’ve been. 

Communities could be a potential feature for increasing the stickiness of the app, however the rough concept presented shortly during the test got interest only by half of the users. 

There was a 50% divide in the personalised friends based recommendations vs community recommendations

Only some users are interested in providing content, which could still be a leverage for the app.

A further exploration around content creators might be considered as a part of community concept.

The concept of Grabbing works well and clearly understood as a prompt, however is not as clear as a CTA. 

A clear and to the point CTA copy like “Save” might increase clarity and usability.

People are willing to share more information for a further personalised experience. 

Visuals of the places are an important aspect of the app, they were mentioned by everyone. 

People have different discovery patterns when they are exploring their own city vs. travelling. 

Concept Suggestions


Further questions for personalisation

Clear differentiation of main and subcategories

More info on expers, without leaving the onboarding flow

Option to skip experts section.

Home Screen

Clarification of what people similar to you defines. 

Personalisation of  “For you” section, also informative venue details. 

Search List

UX Copy update for CTA: Grabb it to Save it 

A CTA color that would stand out also in the list view

Clarification of “People” filter, either via copy of the tag or with a further explanation on the page.   

Budget info and filter

Venue Details

CTA copy update

Clarification of  “Appears On” section by copy update

Considering having “love”, “like”, “dislike” and “try” buttons flashed out depending on context. 

Ratings of places instead of showing people who grabbd the places.

UI Screens


Thanks so much for taking time to check my portfolio